Work day: Sunday 14th May

We will be meeting at 10.00 a.m. at the entrance in Woodland Way and the tasks planned for the day are to bag up 25 bags of firewood and install a new bench along the top path mid-way between where Sherwood Oaks Field starts and the pond end of the field.

If delivered in time, we may also be able to spread wood chips as a mulch around the newly planted whips in the Hazel Plantation and those planted in the Rhododendron area. If the wood chips aren’t available we’ll identify instead some sites as additional timber stacking areas and move felled Ash logs to the sites. One possible site would be along the top path at the junction with the middle path where a number of logs should be reasonably accessible. As usual FoF will be providing all the necessary tools for the above tasks but please would you bring your own gloves and tools (shears and loppers) if you have them. Please would you also bring your own wipes and hand gel as well as your own refreshments. Please also remember to wear long trousers/jeans to avoid getting bitten by ticks but FoF’s First Aid kit does contain tick removers if needed.




At the entrance in Woodland Way

The Friends of Foxley are a group of volunteers who manage Foxley Wood in Kenley, Surrey.