Work day: Wednesday 28th June

Alastair McKinlay, to join us at 10.30 a.m. to trial a Woodland Condition Assessment Tool. The initial area to be assessed is likely to be the coppiced Hazel Plantation. All attending the work day are welcome to participate in the Assessment.

All the paths have become very overgrown so the main task for the day will be to brushcut and rake the paths and cut back any branches overhanging the paths. The flight of steps leading down to Burwood Avenue from the kissing gate near the water trough is also very overgrown and needs to be cleared. There are also some branches and brambles encroaching the top path which need to be cut back as they make accessing with a vehicle difficult.

Following inspection by Richard Edwards, Croydon Tree and Woodland Manager and also by Bill and Andrew the Hogweed has been identified as being Common Hogweed and not Giant Hogweed as originally suspected so the cordon which was installed as a precaution can therefore now be taken down.

As usual FoF will be providing all the necessary tools for the above tasks but please would you bring your own gloves and tools (shears and loppers) if you have them. Please would you also bring your own wipes and hand gel as well as your own refreshments. Please also remember to wear long trousers/jeans to avoid getting bitten by ticks but FoF’s First Aid kit does contain tick removers if needed.




At the entrance in Woodland Way

The Friends of Foxley are a group of volunteers who manage Foxley Wood in Kenley, Surrey.