Work day: Sunday 13th August

Tasks for the day are -

  • On the last work day the 60 newly planted Hazel whips in the Hazel Plantation were mulched with wood chippings but there are still several other newly planted whips located in the Rhododendron area that need mulching.

  • There is still a section of top path running parallel to the field fence which needs to be brushcut and raked in order to complete that particular task.

  • The middle and bottom paths also need to be walked and any vegetation encroaching the paths or branches hanging low over them cut back. There may also be some secondary paths that need clearing.     

As usual FoF will be providing all the necessary tools for the above tasks but please would you bring your own gloves and tools (shears, loppers and a spade) if you have them. Please would you also bring your own wipes and hand gel as well as your own refreshments. Please also remember to wear long trousers/jeans to avoid getting bitten by ticks but FoF’s First Aid kit does contain tick removers if needed.

In addition Justine Middlemiss, Priest-in-charge of All Saints and St. Barnabas Churches as well as a number of parishioners who will be carrying out a litter-pick in Foxley Wood. They are planning to arrive about 09.30 a.m. to start at 09.45 a.m. Those of us who can will get there early to meet Justine and her team, so the more the merrier.




At the entrance in Woodland Way

The Friends of Foxley are a group of volunteers who manage Foxley Wood in Kenley, Surrey.